
1. jump.php

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        <h1><?php echo isset($msg) ? $msg : '操作成功';?></h1>
        <p>还有 <strong id="time" class="text-warning"></strong> 跳转!</p>
        <p>没有跳转请 <a href="<?php echo isset($url)?$url:$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];?>">点击</a></p>
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    var url = '<?php echo isset($url) ? $url : $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];?>';
    var time = <?php echo isset($time) ? $time : 3;?>;
    $(document).ready(function () {
        var sid = setInterval(function(){
            if(time == 0){
                location.href = url;
                time --;


2. 使用方法



results matching ""

    No results matching ""